API Reference

To interact with the Cede SDK, you need to create an instance of the SDK and register at least one exchange instance. Refer to the General info section for details.

Depositable tokens

To fetch all depositable tokens on a given exchange, use:

method: getDepositableTokens

  • exchangeInstanceId - string
    The exchange instance ID for which you want to fetch the depositable tokens.
  • auth - The authentication object for the exchange. See authentication section for details.

response structure: Promise<DepositableToken[]>, see DepositableToken for details.


Some exchanges do not provide directly the list of networks for all tokens. To get all deposit networks for a specific token, see Depositable Networks section.

const depositableTokens = await cedeSDK.api.getDepositableTokens({ exchangeInstanceId, auth });

Depositable networks

To fetch all available deposit networks/chains on a given exchange and token, use:

method: getNetworks

  • exchangeInstanceId - string
    The exchange instance ID for which you want to fetch the networks.
  • auth - The authentication object for the exchange. See authentication section for details.
  • tokenSymbol - string, optional
    Filters the networks by token. If not provided, all networks will be fetched.
  • opts.toDeposit - boolean, optional
    Filters the networks by deposit availability.
  • opts.toWithdraw - boolean, optional
    Filters the networks by withdrawal availability.
  • opts.requestPriority - 1 | 2 | 3, optional
    The request priority for the request.
    Default: 2 (medium).

response structure: Promise<MarketNetwork[]>, see MarketNetwork for details and Supported Networks for the list of supported networks.


We offer unified network names and chainIds (EIP-155) for all exchanges, see Supported Networks and the MarketNetwork type for details.

    const availableNetworks = await cedeSDK.api.getNetworks({ 
        tokenSymbol: "1INCH",
        opts: {
          toDeposit: true


To fetch the deposit address for a given exchange, token and network, use:

method: getDepositAddress

  • exchangeInstanceId - string
    The exchange instance ID for which you want to fetch the deposit address.
  • auth - The authentication object for the exchange. See authentication section for details.
  • tokenSymbol - string
    The token's symbol.
  • network - string
    The network's ID. See Supported Networks for the list of supported networks.

response structure: Promise<DepositAddress>, see DepositAddress for details.

const address = await cedeSDK.api.getDepositAddress({ 
  tokenSymbol: "1INCH", 
  network: "polygon" 

On Deposit Callback

Once you've send tokens to the CEX, you can execute a callback function when the deposit is detected by CEX. To register a callback, use the following method:

method: onDeposit

  • exchangeInstanceId - string
    The exchange instance ID for which you want to fetch the deposit address.
  • auth - The authentication object for the exchange. See authentication section for details.
  • tokenSymbol - string
    The token's symbol.
  • txHash - string
    The transaction hash of token transfer.
  • txStatus - string
    The transaction status to trigger the callback.
    Values: ok, pending, failed, cancelled. "ok" is used by default.
  • callback - (transaction: PureTransaction) => void
    The callback function to execute when the deposit is detected. See PureTransaction for details.
  • intervalMs - number, optional
    The polling interval in milliseconds to detect the deposit.
    Default: 5000 (5 seconds).
  • maxDuration - number, optional
    The maximum duration in milliseconds to detect the deposit.
    Default: 600000 (10 minutes).

response structure: void

  tokenSymbol: "USDT",
  txHash: "0xf9e10c965a3b8d1edaa2c6ec5b83db7346aa50881cc4417e4e549c9535f87622",
  callback: (data) => {
    console.log("Deposit event", data);