API Reference
Sub Accounts

To interact with the Cede SDK, you need to create an instance of the SDK and register at least one exchange instance. Refer to the General info section for details.

Sub Accounts List

To retrieve all sub-accounts for a given exchange, use:

method: getSubAccounts

  • exchangeInstanceId - string
    The exchange instance ID for which you want to fetch the sub accounts.
  • auth - The authentication object for the exchange. See authentication section for details.

response structure: Promise<{ uid: string }[]>. The response is an array of sub-account UIDs. You should use the provided identifiers to interact with sub-accounts.

const subAccounts = await cedeSDK.api.getSubAccounts({ exchangeInstanceId, auth });

Sub Account Balance

To fetch the balance of a sub-account on a given exchange, use:

method: getSubAccountBalances

  • exchangeInstanceId - string
    The exchange instance ID for which you want to fetch the sub account balances.
  • auth - The authentication object for the exchange. See authentication section for details.
  • uid - string
    The sub-account UID for which you want to fetch the balance. You can get the sub-account UID from the Sub Accounts List method.

response structure: Promise<SubAccountBalancesByWalletType>, see SubAccountBalancesByWalletType for details.

    const balances = await cedeSDK.api.getSubAccountBalances({ 
        uid: "sub-account-uid-1"

Sub Account Transfer

To transfer funds between sub-account and master account on a given exchange, use:

method: subAccountTransfer

  • exchangeInstanceId - string
    The exchange instance ID from which you want to execute the transfer
  • auth - The authentication object for the exchange. See authentication section for details.
  • tokenSymbol - string
    The token's symbol.
  • amount - string
    The amount to transfer.
  • fromUid - string
    The sub-account UID from which you want to transfer the funds. You can get the sub-account UID from the Sub Accounts List.
  • toUid - string
    The sub-account UID to which you want to transfer the funds. You can get the sub-account UID from the Sub Accounts List.
  • fromWalletType - WalletType
    The wallet type from which you want to transfer the funds. Currently, only WalletType.SPOT is supported.
  • toWalletType - WalletType
    The wallet type to which you want to transfer the funds. Currently, only WalletType.SPOT is supported.

response structure: Promise<{ transferId: string }>

Note: The following exchanges require "master" instead of master account UID:

  • MEXC
  • Kucoin
  • OKX
const transfer = await cedeSDK.api.subAccountTransfer({
  exchangeInstanceId: masterExchangeInstanceId,
  tokenSymbol: "USDC",
  amount: "0.00001",
  fromUid: "17280679",
  toUid: "master",
  fromWalletType: WalletType.SPOT,
  toWalletType: WalletType.SPOT,